The two main definitions that define a cult or cultist is 1. They deny the true deity of Christ and 2. They undermine the Lords completed work on the cross, so those who believe in the satanic and hideous teaching of eternal torment most definitely fall into the later group, basically they believe in limited atonement leading the way to a different Jesus and another Gospel, Paul said “But even if we or an angel from Heaven preach a gospel to you beside what we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches a gospel to you beside what you have received, let him be accursed” .The Lord said “many” will say to Me in that day, Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in your name, and through your name cast out demons, and through your name do many wonderful works? And then I will say to them I never knew you! Depart from Me, those working lawlessness. Those who ardently preach eternal torment are not only heretical and desecrate the Fathers forgiveness in Christ they also stand outside the unique Ministry of the New Testament, Paul in second Corinthians 5:18, 19 “And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation; whereas God was in Christ reconciling the “world” to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and putting the word of reconciliation in us”.
Paul said until this day, when Moses is read, the veil is on their heart, and their thoughts were blinded; for until the present the same veil remains on the reading of the old covenant, not taken away.) But this veil has been done away “IN CHRIST”; this is the same “in Christ” what Paul spoke of in 1st Corinthians 15 when he stated: For as in Adam “ALL” die, even so “IN CHRIST” all will be made alive.
The trouble with those who preach the satanic teaching of eternal torment is that the same veil remains when they read the New Testament today; because they’re not taking the heavenly position of all being “IN CHRIST”. They’re making a stand outside the unique ministry of the New Testament, they’re false believers, and they’ve changed the truth of God into a lie and turned the glorious Grace of our Lord into a hideous, twisted joke. It’s ironic and lamentable that those who promote the heretical teaching of eternal torment dare to accuse those who declare the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as heretics; if being a heretic is believing that God expressed His unlimited and unfailing love at Calvary and His all-encompassing, all-embracing and all-conquering love is certain to save ALL of Gods children in the end, then sign me up!
Today, we have so-called ministers of the “good news” who are spreading false accusations about God and His ways. They are threatening the world with the fear of “eternal” punishment if they don’t accept Jesus. Some unbelievers I’ve talked to are thinkers and have thought through the message we’re presenting to them—and you know what—it’s not flying with them. I know people who have forsaken Christianity because of this false doctrine of never-ending punishments. I know dear saints who’ve had nervous breakdowns because they were honest enough to really think through what the Church teaches on this issue. The rest of us (myself included) have simply accepted this “tradition of men” as truth. A famous dictator once said “Tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough and people will start to believe you.”
George Hawtin writes:
“Is it any wonder that in the face of such sadistic humbug there has been a wholesale manufacture of infidels? All these statements (by eternal hell-fire preachers) may be a show of oratorical eloquence, but they are nothing more. They hold no part of truth. They deny every attribute of God. They make wisdom foolishness, turn eternal love into exasperated hate, make omnipotence helplessness, and make the justice of God the grossest injustice in the universe. To say that I believe in such repugnance would be a lie of the first order. I do not believe it because it is contrary to the nature of God. It is contrary to the love of God”
It is contrary to the justice of God. It is contrary to the power of God. It is contrary to the Word of God and it puts God in the ridiculous position of being the almighty King of kings and Lord of lords yet having dominion a vast pocket of hate and resistance that even He cannot overcome. Further than this it makes the mighty sacrifice of Christ that was made for the entire world to be almost impotent in its power and scope. Worst of all, it frustrates the purpose of God laid down in the beginning when He said, ‘Let us make man in our image and after our likeness.’ Some will immediately ask me whether I do not believe in hell. My answer is very definite on this point. I most certainly DO BELIEVE in hell, but the hell of the Bible and the hell of human tradition are not the same thing at all. The hell of mans tradition is hopeless and eternal; while the hell of the Scripture like every judgment of God is corrective, remedial, and restorative
To many of us over the years have sown into various churches, ministers and ministries, then to wake up one morning to find out the things we’ve held so close to our hearts for so long could possibly be wrong can be a frightening thing.
If you can’t see that Christ has obtained Salvation for everyone and He alone satisfied the Fathers righteousness and that his All-sufficient Grace results in the All-inclusive Gospel then I doubt very much you have a clear revelation of Gods plan for mankind
Please don’t limit yourself to such a small view, a small vision and most of all a small God!
For God has bound all men over to disobedience; so that he may have mercy on them all Romans 11:32
All God’s children none left behind!!!